Training Kepemimpinan Gratis di Amerika

Pemerintah Amerika Serikat (AS) melalui iLEAP International Fellowship memberi Anda kesempatan untuk mengikuti pelatihan kepemimpinan intensif di Seattle, AS. Program ini akan berlangsung selama delapan minggu pada 20 Oktober-12 Desember 2014.
Program ini menyeimbangkan refleksi personal dan retret, pembelajaran dan dialog kelompok dengan pelatihan profesional dalam bidang kerja sama, komunikasi dan kepemimpinan yang efektif. Para peserta iLEAP akan kembali ke negara asal untuk memimpin komunitas mereka dengan komitmen yang telah diperbaharui tentang siapa diri mereka, apa yang mereka lakukan dan bagaimana mereka dapat menjadi pemimpin yang baik.
Untuk dapat melamar program fellowship ini Anda harus bekerja penuh waktu di salah satu atau lebih negara berikut, yakni: Thailand, Kamboja, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Timor Leste, Malaysia, Singapura, Brunei Darussalam, Papua Nugini, dan Filipina. Anda harus memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal lima tahun dalam jenjang kepemimpinan di lembaga swdaya masyarakat (LSM) atau bisnis berbasis sosial.
Usia pelamar adalah antara 25 tahun hingga 42 tahun. Anda juga harus memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris, terutama dalam percakapan.
Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online sebelum 30 Juni lebih lengkap :
iLEAP is now accepting applications from Southeast Asian social leaders to participate in the 2014 iLEAP International Fellowship program in Seattle, Washington, USA. This is an eight-week intensive leadership training that runs from October 20, 2014 to December 12, 2014. The deadline to apply is Monday, June 30, 2014.
Finalists join an international cohort of up to 15 iLEAP Fellows from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Finalists will also play a key role in the growth of the iLEAP Southeast Asia Leadership Initiative. For more information on the programs, visit
This fellowship covers all participation costs, including round-trip airfare to/from Seattle, room/board, visa/immigration, transportation, living stipend, and all program related expenses.
Competitive applicants will meet all of the following criteria:
  • Living and working full-time in one or more of the following countries: Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Timor Leste, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Papua New Guinea, or the Philippines. Preference will be given to citizens of these countries.
  • Five or more years working in a leadership position in NGO/CBO or socially minded business.
  • Clear understanding of both the iLEAP International Fellowship program and Southeast Asia Leadership Initiative and how both will benefit the applicant’s personal growth and social leadership.
  • Demonstrated long-term commitment to the Southeast Asia region.
  • Interest in building a network of aligned social leaders in the Southeast Asia region.
  • Between 25-42 years of age.
  • Intermediate or higher level of English conversation skills.
  • Available in the fall of 2014 to travel to Seattle, WA USA
Important Information
  • Dates of 2014 iLEAP International Fellowship: October 20, 2014 to December 12, 2014.
  • Application Deadline: Monday, June 30, 2014 at 23:59, Seattle time
  • This fellowship covers all participation costs, including round-trip airfare to/from Seattle, room/board, visa/immigration, living stipend, and all program related expenses.
  • To apply, visit the online application:
What is the iLEAP International Fellowship?
The iLEAP International Fellowship (IF) is a long-term investment in community-based leadership in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Each year, iLEAP selects up to 15 grass-roots leaders from around the world from a highly competitive, global pool of applicants to join a unique, cross-cultural and global leadership training in Seattle.
The IF is highly integrated, with a balance between personal reflection and retreat, group learning and dialogue, and professional training in partnership, communication, and effective leadership. iLEAP Fellows return home to lead their communities with a renewed clarity and commitment to who they are, what they do, and how they can be better leaders of change. An important part of the IF is its connection to the iLEAP Southeast Asia Leadership Initiative.
What is the iLEAP Southeast Asia Leadership Initiative?
The iLEAP Southeast Asia Leadership Initiative (SALI) is an integrated leadership training and social investment designed to amplify the leadership capacities of the next generation of social leaders in Southeast Asia. Over a five year period (2013-17) iLEAP has a goal to train and partner with over 60 current and emerging social leaders from Southeast Asia and work with them to co-create a thriving network in the region. SALI will ensure that young social leaders in Southeast Asia have the practical skills, critical perspectives, and a global and regional community of partners in order to sustain and expand their change initiatives amidst a rapidly changing Southeast Asia region.
SALI participants join either a two-week or eight-week training in Seattle. The two-week training is held in April and is just for leaders from the Southeast Asia region. The eight-week training is held from October-December and includes leaders from around the world. This eight-week training is called the iLEAP International Fellowship.
If you have any questions please send an email to

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