Beasiswa S-1 Farmasi di Monash University

Monash University menawarkan empat beasiswa S-1 kefarmasian yang diberikan per tahun hingga akhir masa studi. (Foto: dok. Monash University)
Komite beasiswa Monash University akan mempertimbangkan beasiswa berdasarkan prestasi akademik. Kandidat beruntung dapat meraih beasiswa berupa potongan 25 persen atau 50 persen dari biaya studi, tergantung pada pencapaian akademik tiap mahasiswa.
Anda harus terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa aktif Monash University agar bisa melamar beasiswa ini. Pendaftaran beasiswa ini dibuka hingga 11 Juli 2014.
Persyaratan lengkap dan tata cara pendaftaran bisa Anda simak di bawah ini.
Total value varies
  • 50% of tuition fees paid per year until the minimum credit points for your degree are completed (2 Highest achieving students)
  • 25% of tuition fees paid per year until the minimum credit points for your degree are completed (remaining offers)
Number offered
  • Four scholarship will be offered in 2015
  • Based on academic achievement
All conditions must be met
  • International student*
  • Commencing undergraduate student in either the Bachelor of Pharmacy or the Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science at a Monash Campus in Australia
*Have an overseas qualification at the time of application, or an offshore applicant with an Australian qualification who has not applied for a course through VTAC
  • You must maintain a distinction average (70%) each semester
Application and other information

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