Beasiswa S-3 Kriminologi di Cardiff University

Cardiff University, Inggris, membuka program beasiswa penuh jenjang S-3 dalam bidang kriminologi. (Foto: dok. Cardiff University) 
Cardiff University, Inggris, membuka program beasiswa penuh dalam bidang kriminologi. Beasiswa berdurasi tiga tahun ini bisa tersedia untuk jenjang doktoral (S-3).
Setiap penerima beasiswa akan mendapatkan biaya studi dan tunjangan biaya hidup senilai 7.000 poundsterling per tahun. Angka ini setara dengan
143,2 juta (Rp20.471 per poundsterling).
Program beasiswa ini merupakan hasil kerja sama dengan Police Science Institute, Cardiff University. Scholars akan belajar dan melakukan riset tentang berbagai kebijakan. Di antara tema yang bisa menjadi fokus riset adalah:
  1. Komunitas dan kebijakan lingkungan;
  2. Studi komparatif tentang peran polisi dalam mengangani terorisme;
  3. Bentuk baru pencegahan kejahatan; dan
  4. Teknologi baru pengontrolan kejahatan.
Anda bisa mendiskusikan ide penelitian dengan Prof. Martin Innes melalui alamat email atau melalui telefon di nomor +44 (0)2920 875 307.
Untuk bisa melamar beasiswa ini Anda haruslah terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa Cardiff University berstatus pelajar internasional atas biaya sendiri. Anda juga harus memegang gelar Master dalam bidang yang sesuai dengan prestasi akademik baik.
Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online sebelum 1 Agustus 2014. Anda harus menyiapkan formulir pendaftaran program doktoral, abstrak proposal riset S-3 maksimal 500 kata, proposal riset utuh maksimal 1.500 kata, curriculum vitae, transkrip nilai terakhir, dua referensi akademik dan fotokopi sertifikat kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (IELTS minimal 7,0)
info lebih lengkap ada di bawah ini :

International PhD Studentship in Criminology (PhD Studentship)

Reference Number: R2298
Closing Date: 01/08/2014
Duration: 3 years
Funding Amount: Overseas tuition fees plus stipend and research funding
Level of Study: Postgraduate Research
Regions: International (Non EU) 
Applications are being sought for a prestigious, full-time PhD Studentship in Criminology, to be based in the Cardiff School of Social Sciences at Cardiff University, to begin in October 2014.
The Cardiff School of Social Sciences is pleased to announce the launch of a new International PhD Studentship for 2014 and welcomes applications from prospective candidates. The studentship will cover the full cost of overseas fees and a £7000 annual contribution to living expenses.
The studentship will be in partnership with the Universities' Police Science Institute and will build upon the Institute's world leading work in conducting research to inform policing policy and practice development. In light of these objectives, we are seeking to fund work in respect of a wide range of activities, including:
  • Community and Neighbourhood Policing;
  • Comparative studies of the police role in counter-terrorism;
  • New forms of crime prevention;
  • New technologies of crime control.
The Studentship will be awarded to successful applicants who fulfil the following criteria:
  1. The subject of the proposed PhD research must fall within the areas highlighted above.
  2. We are especially interested in funding work with an international comparative dimension.
  3. A first class undergraduate and/or postgraduate qualification in an area relevant to the focus of the studentship.

About the School of Social Sciences

Cardiff University is acknowledged as one of Britain's leading teaching and research universities, held in high esteem both nationally and internationally. It has gained further recognition recently as one of the UK's top 20 universities and was short listed for the University of the Year title in The Sunday Times University Guide 2013. Cardiff University is also the home of the ESRC-funded Wales DTC, part of a national network of 21 accredited Doctoral Training Centres across the UK judged by the ESRC to deliver truly excellent postgraduate training provision.
Cardiff School of Social Sciences is a large School with over 160 staff and a thousand undergraduate and postgraduate students. The 2008 Research Assessment Exercise rated almost all of its research to be of an international standard, with 55% of it either “world leading” or “internationally excellent”. This rating, together with the size of the School, places it amongst the top five centres in the UK (and ranked number one in the UK for social sciences ‘research power’). The School’s academic and research staff and PhD students are engaged in high quality research employing a wide variety of quantitative and qualitative methods, have an excellent publication record and are very active in international collaboration and interdisciplinary projects. About 120 full and part-time PhD students are currently enrolled in our doctoral programme, making ours a large and vibrant postgraduate community.
Affiliated Researcher: To discuss research ideas, please contact Prof Martin Innes at or by telephone on +44 (0)2920 875 307.
Start date: October 2014
Number of Studentships: 1

Funding and Eligibility


The studentship will support full-time study over a period of three years, including:
  1. A contribution to living costs of £7000 p.a. (for three years);
  2. Tuition fees equal to the cost of overseas fees for three years paid in full;
  3. and a contribution towards travel and research costs not exceeding £1,000.


Residency: This studentship is open to students that are classed as international for the purpose of tuition fee status.
Academic criteria: Candidates should have an excellent academic background in the social sciences, holding a 1st or upper 2nd class degree and have completed or be currently completing a relevant Masters degree.

How to Apply

Applicants must complete and submit the following documentation by the deadline of 12.00 noon Friday, 1st August 2014. Note that the deadline is absolute and applications received after this specified time and date will not be accepted. 
  • Submit a completed application form for admission to doctoral study in the School of Social Sciences – submitted to the Academic Registry via the online admissions portal. (Please specify the School of Social Sciences – Research Degree – Doctor of Philosophy (Social Sciences) [Full-time] with a start date of October 2014)
  • Submit the following documentation (attached to a single email with the subject International Criminology PhD Studentship) to Vicky Parkin at and also upload to your online application record:
    1. A letter of application to the School, stating your reasons for wishing to pursue PhD study.
    2. A short abstract of the proposed PhD study (maximum 500 words)
    3. A full research proposal for the PhD study (maximum 1500 words, excluding references)
    4. A CV
    5. Official transcripts of previous higher education degrees
    6. Two academic references
    7. Copies of English Language certificates (if applicable) – a minimum score of 7.00 IELTS (or equivalent) is required for postgraduate research at the School. Applicants whose first language is not English are required to pass an English test at a high level prior to their admission being confirmed, conditional offers based on future results will not be made.
Cardiff University reserves the right to close applications early should sufficient applications be received.

Further Information

If you have any queries regarding the studentship, please contact Vicky Parkin by email at or by telephone on +44 (0)2920 870 855 (9am-1pm).
To discuss research ideas, please contact Prof Martin Innes by email at or by telephone on +44 (0)2920 875 307.

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