Beasiswa Riset tentang Gedung di Australia
Beasiswa senilai USD5.000 atau setara dengan Rp59,1 juta (Rp11.825 per dolar) ini akan diberikan kepada mahasiswa selama satu tahun. Kandidat akan dipilih berdasarkan tujuan, hipotesa dan metodologi penelitian.
Untuk bisa melamar beasiswa ini Anda haruslah merupakan mahasiswa aktif yang sedang mengambil:
- Program sarjana atau pascasarjana dalam kajian tentang gedung, survei gedung, arsitektur, konstruksi, perpipaan, desain hidrolik dan bidang relevan lainnya di institusi pendidikan Australia; dan
- Sedang melakukan riset sesuai dengan ketentuan pada program perkuliahan di institusi pendidikan Australia, seperti tesis atau disertasi.
ABCB tidak memasang deadline pendaftaran. Tetapi, untuk mendaftar beasiswa ini, Anda harus meminta formulir beasiswa riset ABCB sambil melampirkan resume dan transkrip akademik kepada Research Scholarship Project Officer di
The ABCB runs the Student Research Scholarship Program to encourage undergraduate and postgraduate research in the field of building regulatory reform in Australia, which can contribute to the ABCB fulfilling its charter.
Scholarship Details
Value – up to $5000 one off payment
Duration – 1 year
There is an opportunity to submit your own article to be published in the Australian Building Regulation Bulletin (ABRB) upon completion and submission of the research project. Furthermore, there is the possibility for invitation to present your research at one of the ABCB Conferences.
To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must be students currently undertaking –
- undergraduate or postgraduate studies in Building, Building Surveying, Fire Engineering, Architecture, Construction, Plumbing, Hydraulic Design or similar at an Australian educational institution; and
- research that forms a component of a program or course at an educational institution (e.g. tertiary), such as a research project, thesis or dissertation.
The scholarship has no residency/citizenship requirements and applicants may be studying full-time, part-time or via correspondence.
About the Research Program
The aim of the research program is to contribute to a series of research fields that would support the ongoing development and review of the NCC.
Research areas identified as priorities by the ABCB Office include sustainability, health and amenity, fire resistance, and structure. Applicants may refer to the current ABCB Work Program for relevant research areas.
Additionally, the ABCB currently has a particular interest in student research and development within the following specific fields:
- Increase in the uptake and use of performance-based building codes
- Identify any barriers to the use of performance and develop a strategy to increase the use of performance.
- Reduce the frequency of false alarms from smoke detection systems required by the BCA
- Explore options available to resolve issues related to the frequency of false alarms from smoke detection systems required by the NCC.
- Building/Planning interface
- Improve the identification of any gaps or inconsistencies in the current regulatory system with regard to extreme natural hazards.
- Evaluation of existing energy efficiency and sustainability tools for potential development into provisions for national adoption
- Evaluate and identify areas of alignment and duplication within the NCC with the intent of simplifying the NCC energy efficiency provisions for users.
- Quantification of NCC performance: natural ventilation and lighting; indoor air quality; structural stability or other
- Examine potential methods to provide measurable NCC Performance Requirements to aid judging compliance and clarifying the assessment process to be used.
- How to improve collection of relevant injury data relating to buildings (i.e. slips, trips and falls)
- Examine the current methods of collecting this data and suggest improvements to inform the development of the NCC.
- The suitability of the existing NCC energy efficiency provisions for HVAC services
- Examine the current energy efficiency Provisions for HVAC services and evaluate their complexity and relevance against current industry practice to aid simplification of the NCC Provisions.
- The delivery of education on the NCC in our tertiary education system
- Examine the current system for delivery of NCC-related tertiary education and suggest improvements.
- Climate change adaptation
- Develop probability density functions for climate related hazards, i.e. cyclones, floods, bushfires, hail and intense rainfall which would assist in setting standards for buildings.
Selection Criteria
Your research objectives, research hypothesis and research method will be assessed against the Selection Criteria, which can be found in the ABCB Research Scholarship Application Form (see How to Apply).
Completed Studies
Selected Completed Studies of the ABCB Student Research Scholarship Program can be viewed on our website.
How to Apply
Applications for the scholarship will be considered at any time of the year. To apply for the scholarship, applicants are asked to submit an ABCB Research Scholarship Application Form together with a resume and academic transcript to date to the Research Scholarship Project Officer at
For more information on the Student Research Scholarship Program, please contact the Research Scholarship Project Officer
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