Beasiswa bagi mahasiswa S-1 guru sains
Scholarship programs
Kurt Hansen Scholarships
Application for a Kurt Hansen scholarship is open to students studying to be educators in the field of science.
Key support areas include study projects, internships, summer courses, preparatory and supplementary study courses and theses. Assistance is also available for projects aimed at improving the training of science teachers.
The foundation places great emphasis on internationalism, and therefore grants scholarships exclusively to students from German-speaking countries wishing to study abroad and foreign applicants who want to study in Germany.
Applicants should be able to show good to very good final school marks as well as a particularly good intermediate diploma. Furthermore, a broad horizon and a high level of motivation and personal commitment are expected of all applicants – be it in a social, political or cultural field.
The current application period for Kurt Hansen Scholarships is taking place from June 1, 2014 to July 15, 2014. The independent Foundation Board will hold its selection meeting on September 5, 2014.
Click here for the online application form:
Otto Bayer, Carl Duisberg, Jeff Schell and Kurt Hansen Scholarships
The foundation places great emphasis on internationalism, and therefore grants scholarships exclusively to students from German-speaking countries wishing to study abroad and foreign applicants who want to study in Germany.
Applicants should be able to show good to very good final school marks as well as a particularly good intermediate diploma. Furthermore, a broad horizon and a high level of motivation and personal commitment are expected of all applicants – be it in a social, political or cultural field.
The current application period for Kurt Hansen Scholarships is taking place from June 1, 2014 to July 15, 2014. The independent Foundation Board will hold its selection meeting on September 5, 2014.
Click here for the online application form:
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